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Journal of Academy of Juridical Studies

A Journal aiming at Juristic excellence...


Instructions to Authors:


The peer-reviewed “Journal of Academy of Juridical Studies (JAJS)” solicits quality articles pertaining to contemporary legal issues. Contributions are invited in the forms of articles, case comments, book reviews and short notes. Articles on legal issues are solicited not only from the legal academicians but even from those scholars of non legal discipline provided their research paper reflects on the related legal dimensions. JAJS which began its publication in 2005 is so far brought out in physical version with the ISSN No 2278-456X. From this issue onwards editorial board decided to bring virtual version to reach out to  more readers.


The journal has so far conformed to ethical practice of publishing articles only for serving academic cause and not for commercial objectives. Therefore, authors are instructed strictly not to attempt to make unethical offers of monetary consideration to the members of editorial board for publication of their article in our journal. Any such offer disqualifies the research paper from consideration for publication. 


Submissions are to be sent to by December 10th 2020




The authors must follow the guidelines given below:


  • Word limit varies according to the nature of the contributions. The word limit specified below is exclusive of footnotes and references.

  • The word limit for an article is between 4,000-5000 words.

  • Notes or Comment on any contemporary issue shall not exceed 2,500 words.

  • The word limit for case comment is restricted to 2,500-3,000 words.

  • Book review shall not exceed 2,000 words.

  • All articles must be accompanied by an abstract of about 250 words with five key words.

  • A small biographical paragraph describing the Name, author's position, E-mail address, Postal Address   should accompany the manuscript.

  • Articles must be accompanied by declaration by the author that the article is written by him or her is original and is not published elsewhere.

  • Prescribed font for the body of the article is Times New Roman with font size 12 and in 1.5 spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 and in single spacing. Main heading should be in Times New Roman, font size 14, sub headings should be in Times New Roman, font size 12.

  • Citation must be given as foot note, and it should conform to the citation guidelines as provided below.

  • All submissions should be made electronically in the form of a MS Word (.doc) file at [ ]




The decision of the Editorial Board is final regarding the publication of the articles in the journal, No further correspondence is entertained.


Rules of Citation




(i) By Single author


Name of the Author, Title of the book, (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher, Place of publication, edition/year of publication).


E.g. M.P.Jain, Indian Constitutional Law 98 (Kamal Law House, Calcutta, 5th edn.,1998).


(ii) By two authors:


Name of the Authors, Title of the book, (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher, Place of publication, edition/year of publication).


E.g. M.P.Jain and S.N. Jain, Principles of Administrative Law 38 (Wadhawa, Nagpur, 2001)


(iii)By multiple authors (more than two):


Name of the first two authors,, Title of the book, (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher, Place of publication, edition/year of publication).


E.g. Jerry L. Mashaw, Richard A. Merrill,, The American Public Law System – Cases and Materials 50 (West Group, St. Paul, MN, 1992).


Edited Book


(i) By a single editor:


Name of the editor (ed.), Title of the book (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher, Place of publication, edn/year).


E.g. Nilendra Kumar (ed.), Nana Palkhivala: A Tribute (Universal Publishers, Delhi, 2004).


(ii)By two editors:


Name of the editors (eds.), Title of the book (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher, Place of publication, edn/year).

E.g. S.K. Verma and Raman Mittal (eds.), Intellectual Property Rights: A Global Vision 38-42 (ILI, Delhi, 2004).


(iii) By more than two editors:


Name of the editors, the first two only, (eds.), Title of the book (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher, Place of publication, edn/year).


E.g. Chatrapati Singh, P.K. Coudhary, (eds.), Towards Energy Conservation Law 78 (ILI, Delhi, 1989).




Citation of a paper published in a journal/periodical:


Name of author of the article, title of the essay within inverted commas, volume number of journal, Name of the journal in abbreviation & page number (year).


E.g. Parmanand Singh “Protection of Human Rights through Public Interest Litigation in India”, Vol. No. 47, J I LI, p 263 (2000)


Citation of an essay published in a book edited:


Name of author of the essay, title of the essay within inverted commas, in Name of the editor(s), title of the edited book page number (publisher, edition/year).


E.g. R.K. Nayak, “Evolving Global Drugs Law for the 21st Century” in D.C. Jayasuriya, R.K. Nayak, Global Drugs Law 70 (1997).


Citation of an editorial from a newspaper:


Editorial, Title of the Editorial within inverted commas Name of the newspaper, date

Sarat Das, “India’s Biggest Dream”, Times of Bengal (Kolkata) January 30, 2009.


(vii)Citing a reference form Encyclopaedia:

Edwin R.A. Seligman (ed.), XV Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (The Macmillan Co., NY, 1957).




World Trade Organization (WTO), Website’s gateway to TRIPS. Available at: (Visited on July 29, 2020)


D. Unpublished Research Work (E. g., Dissertation/Thesis):


Name of the Researcher, Title of the dissertation/thesis (Year) (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Name of the University/organization)


William Bush, War Against Smuggling (August 15, 2008) (unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata) (on file with author).

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